Mon groupe / My group
J’encadre ou j’ai encadré un certain nombre d’étudiants qui ont pour une bonne partie d’entre eux vocations à intégrer le monde de la gestion/conservation de la nature. En parallèle des cours, l’encadrement d’étudiants en stage de master, de diplôme EPHE, en thèse ou en post-doc est une manière de former les futurs gestionnaires aux méthodes pointues de monitoring ou de dynamique des populations.
Couturier, Thibaut – Age, experience and habitat impact on Bonelli’s eagle productivity in France since 1990. Currently looking for a postdoctoral fellowship or position
Doxa, Aggeliki – Inferring dispersal dynamics from local population demographic modeling: the case of the slender-billed gull in the Camargue. Currently a postdoctoral fellowship in Marseille.
2014-2017 – Ibouroi Thani, Mohamed (co-supervised by Claude Miaud). Title: Habitat selection and population dynamics of Livingstone’s fruit bats in Comoros Islands. PhD in progress.
2014-2017 – Guérin, Sandra (co-supervised by Damien Picard). Title: Impact of large transportation infrastructure on metapopulation dynamics of amphibians. PhD in progress.
2013-2016– Acker, Paul (co-supervised by Emmanuelle Cam). Title: The evolution of coloniality in gulls: the mechanisms of habitat selection in unpredictable environments. PhD in progress.
2013-2016– Francesiaz, Charlotte (co-supervised by Claude Miaud). Title: Habitat selection and coastline management for gulls and shorebirds. PhD in progress.
2012-2015– Omasombo, Valentin (co-supervised by Julien Punga Kumanenge and Claude Miaud). Title: Population status, ecology and conservation of bonobos (Pan paniscus) in Lomako-Yokokala National Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo. PhD in progress.
2012-2015– Cayuela, Hugo (co-supervised by Pierre Joly and Claude Miaud). Title: Movements and breeding in a highly unstable habitat: the case of the yellow-bellied toad. PhD in progress.
2011-2014– Devoucoux, Pierrick (co-supervised by Vincent Bretagnolle). Title: Population dynamics of the little bustard: impact and consequences of high-speed railway construction in Nimes Costières. Currently in postdoctoral fellowship..
2008-2011– Couturier, Thibaut (co-supervised by Marc Cheylan and Roger Prodon). Title: Ecology and conservation of the Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni). A multiscale approach in a Mediterranean landscape. Currently scientific consultant at ONCFS.
2003-2006– Moneglia, Pasquale (co-supervised by Roger Prodon and Jean-Claude Thibaut). Title: Corsican nuthatch (Sitta whiteheadi) and Corsican pine (Pinus nigra ssp. laricio var. corsicana): Food resources and fire impact. Currently director of an ecological engineering company.
2003-2006– Lyet, Arnaud (co-supervised by Marc Cheylan and Roger Prodon). Title: Conservation of the French population of Orsini’s viper, a multidisciplinary and practical approach. Currently a scientific consultant for WWF in Washington.
2012 Chiffard Carricaburu, Jules – How to make monitoring consistent over several spatial scales? The example of national monitoring in the Pyrenean National Park. Currently a freelance consultant in ecological engineering.
2011 Schmale, Karsten – Comparative demography and conservation of amphibians. Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
2010 Chevallier, Clément – Population viability analysis of the French population of Bonelli’s eagle. Currently doing a PhD.
2014 Gravez, Thibaut (co-supervision A. Béchet) – How to estimate regional abundance of breeders in species that move at intra-year level? The case of gulls and shorebirds in the Mediterranean area. Master Degree I in progress.
2014 Laforge, Charlotte (co-supervision A. Béchet) – Faithful to groups instead of colony site? Forming colonies in unpredictable habitats: the case of the slender-billed gull. Master Degree I in progress.
2014 Matutini, Charlotte (co-supervision J. Fonderflick) – Optimization of sampling efforts in bats, the role of habitat heterogeneity in sampling design performance. Master Degree I in progress.
2013 Poulain, Marie (co-supervision C. Montgelard) – Genetic structure of the slender-billed gull population around the Mediterranean basin. Currently working on a Master Degree II.
2013 Periera-Dias, Samuel – Synthesis and analysis of data collected on golden eagles in French national parks: sampling design optimization. Currently working on a Master Degree II.
2012 Farsac, Laetitia – The goal and utility of research in protected areas: the example of Port-Cros National Park. Currently looking for a PhD program.
2011 Chiffard Carricaburu, Jules – Development of self-appraisal tools to assess monitoring design quality. Currently a freelance consultant in ecological engineering.
2014 Guilbaut, Emy – The impact of breeding pond characteristics on breeding success of the black-headed gull. Master Degree II in progress.
2014 Louvrier, Julie (co-supervision C. Dentant) – Is the detection probability of plants as high as we think? The impact of flowering phenology in Montane. Master Degree II in progress.
2013 Bijou, Alice (co-supervision A. Béchet) – Sex-specific dispersal pattern in unstable habitats: site familiarity as a prerequisite bias of dispersal among sexes. Currently preparing for the teacher training certification for high school.
2013 Francesiaz, Charlotte (co-supervision J.D. Lebreton) – Fishery and pond management impact on spatial and temporal dynamics of black-headed gull colonies. Currently working on a PhD.
2013 Drilholle, Sylvain – A novel method to estimate age-specific survival probability in turtles using capture–recapture data. Currently working on a Master Degree II.
2012 Borner, Leyli – Optimization of the design of a monitoring program for birds in pastures in the Mercantour National Park. Currently working on a PhD.
2012 Simon, Julie (co-supervision O. Gimenez) – Conspecific breeding success and habitat selection in unstable habitats. The example of the slender-billed gull in the Camargue. Currently working on a PhD.
2012 Lecoz, Prune (co-supervision J.D. Lebreton) – Individual-based modeling of population dynamics of the black-headed gull in the Plaine du Forez. Unknown situation.
2011 Chabanet, Oriane (co-supervision L. Tatin) – Optimization of the design of a monitoring program for the ocellated lizard in the Crau steppe. Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
2010 Jailloux, Adrien – Monitoring in French national parks, a valuable contribution to global biodiversity monitoring? Currently a project officer for the French National Park Agency.
2010 Gamelon, Marlène (co-supervision O. Gimenez) – Selection in harvested populations: the case of breeding dates in the wild boar. Currently a postdoctoral fellow in Norway.
2009 LeDu, Pierre-Yves – Monitoring of harvested species: advantages and limitations of N-mixture models. Currently a director of films about animals.
2009 Caquière, Yoan – Ecology and biogeography of the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus helveticus) in Provence. Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
2014 Arsovski, Dragan (co-supervision H. Cayuela) – Amphibian dispersal: Does breeding in temporary ponds select for high levels of dispersal in the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata)?
2012 Bijou, Alice (co-supervision A. Béchet) – Ecological factors impacting body condition in slender-bill gull chicks in the Camargue. Currently preparing for the teacher training certification for high school.
2011 Borner, Leyli (co-supervision T. Gendre) – Population dynamics of an isolated Mediterranean population of crested newt (Triturus cristatus). Currently working on a PhD.
2011 Simon, Julie (co-supervision T. Couturier) – Impact of the composition and spatial arrangement of resources in the habitat selection of the Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni). Currently working on a PhD.
2009 Desprez, Marine (co-supervision J.D. Lebreton) – Comparative demography and conservation status in birds. Currently working on a PhD.
2009 Clowez, Jérémy (co-supervision P.A. Crochet) – The evolution of crèching strategy in birds: a comparative approach in gulls and terns. Unknown situation.
2001 Marquès, Jeanne – Evolution of crèching behavior in Ciconiiforms. Unknown situation.
2000 Hélouin, Stéphane – Factors inducing morphometric variations in black-headed gull eggs in the Camargue. Unknown situation.
1999 Haquebart, Pascal – Comparative analysis of breeding phenology in the black-headed gull and the slender-billed gull. Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
1998 Raspollini, Samuel – The cost of reproduction for the black-headed gull in the Camargue. Unknown situation.
EPHE DEGREE (three-year continuing education course leading to master’s degree level)
As a scientific tutor:
2010-14 Owen-Jones, Zoey – The impact of ponds drying on a relictual population of Emys obicularis. Currently preparing for the physiotherapist exam.
2011-14 Wassmer, Benoit – Habitat selection in the Eurasian hobby in Alsace. Currently a teacher in primary school.
2011-14Torre, Fabrice – Evaluation of the impact of forest management on the conservation of the Corsican nuthatch (Sitta whiteheadi). Currently project leader at the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of the Environment.
2009-14 Priol, Pauline – Population dynamics and habitat use of the western spadefoot toad in western France. Currently a freelance consultant in ecology.
2011- Nys, Sébastien – How to monitor a reptile population and community? The advantages and limitations of artificial shelters. Currently working as an officer in a protected nature area near Paris.
2011- Bonsacquet, Lionel – The impact of imperfect detection on the multivariate analysis of a community. Currently an officer at the Vanoise National Park.
As a pedagogical tutor:
2013- Geoffroy, David – Urban biodiversity: the relationship between perceived and real biodiversity. Currently in charge of the environmental policy of urban parks in Grenoble.
2012- Gillet, Pascal – Optimization of monitoring design in Port-Cros National Park. Currently in charge of wildlife monitoring in the Port-Cros National Park.
2012- Bertolini, Amélie – Habitat selection and dispersal processes in two threatened butterflies (Maculinea alcon Dennis & Schiffermüller, 1775, and Coenonympha oedippus Fabricius, 1787): implications for forest management. Currently in charge of the butterfly group in the Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels Aquitaine.
2010- Dauphin, Lise – Population dynamics of managed and unmanaged populations of urban pigeons. Currently working at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris as a technician.
2010-13 Nisser, Jacques – Breeding ecology and population dynamics of the crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) on Béniguet Island (Finistère). Currently an officer at the National Office of Hunting and Wildlife.
2010- Vollot, Benjamin – Assessing the negative trap-effect in the house sparrow and its impact on population dynamics inferences. Currently working as a field technician at the Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau.
2010- Fruitet, Luc – Red-legged partridge habitat selection in anthropized landscapes. Currently an officer at the National Office of Hunting and Wildlife.
2008- Pineau, Kévin – A first insight into the birds occupying the Réserve Naturelle du Trésor in Guyana. Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
2009-13 Garnier, Alexandre – the role of pathologies on populations: the short- and long-term impact of epidemics on the Capra ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in the Vanoise National Park. Currently a field technician for the Vanoise National Park.
2009-13- Haquart, Alexandre – Habitat use in bats. Are automatic recorders useful for exploring habitat-abundance relationships? Currently an engineer in an ecological engineering company.
2010- Dupperay, Théo – Is male sterilization effective for eradicating the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus Leniusculus)? Currently a freelance consultant in the ecology of crayfish.